From The Letter We Know That

From The Letter We Know That
From The Letter We Know That

From The Letter We Know That

From The Letter We Know That
From The Letter We Know That
From The Letter We Know That
From The Letter We Know That


From the letter we know that ….

  1. Frodi’s mother was not ill before her death
  2. Jean was sent letter to Frodi several weeks ago
  3. Jean was very happy sorrowful to send the letter to his mother
  4. Jean had known Frodi’s mother before
  5. Frodi is the only child in his family



jawaban yang tepat adalah D.”spaceundefinedundefined



Opsi A, B, C, dan E salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi surat di atas.


Opsi D dapat ditemukan pada paragraf 1, yaitu “I feel it was also a personal loss to myself and for your mother was always very kind to me.”


Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Jean sebelumnya telah mengenal Ibu Fredi.


Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.”


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